Sixty Second Shooter Deluxe Coming to PSM in Time for Halloween
Posted by Nick K on October 18th, 2012 | 1 Comment | Tags: sixty second shooter Deluxe
In a press release, Happion Labs has announced a partnership with Sony to bring their Chrome browser game, sixty second shooter Deluxe, to PlayStation Mobile in time for Halloween. It will likely be released in North America on Tuesday, October 30 and Europe on Wednesday, October 31.
Judging from playing the game in Chrome myself, I would describe it as a cross between Asteroids (1979) and flOw. The controls, shooting, enemies, and power-ups feel a lot like Super Stardust. While taking out rainbow colored cubes, spirals, and other geometric anomalies, your ship can move into alternate planes through green cylinders marked with an arrow.
The big draw for this game is not the graphics or the obvious similarites to several top selling Sony franchises. Its the fact that the game only lets you play for 60 seconds and your top score is then posted to their weekly leaderboards. Everyone loves leaderboards, and if Happion Labs is able to bring the leaderboards over to PSM as seamlessly or better than FuturLabs has done with Fuel Tiracas, then this will be a welcomed addition to the current list of PSM titles.
[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/sixtysecondshooterDeluxe/” num=”6″]
The press release mentions that sixty second shooter Deluxe will be an improved version of the original with retuned gameplay and will include an unlocking system to acquire “new stuff.” There will also be a 1940s themed “vintage mode” that will skin the game in all black and white as well as replace the normal game’s techno with jazz.
We’re looking forward to playing this improved version with analog sticks on our Vitas this Halloween.