PSM Game Watch: Life Of Pixel
Posted by Chris K on October 17th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Game Watch , Life Of Pixel
Super Icon, makers of Bashi Blocks on minis, updated their Facebook page today with some images from their new PSM game Life of Pixel.
[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/psm/lifeofpixel/” num=”8″]
In Life of Pixel you will be traveling through the history of video games as pixel. From the looks of the screens you will be hopping around all different types of visual styles, Commodore 64, NES, Gameboy to name a few, and collecting coins before you reach the exit. With each levels having the look of the system, one can only hope that they mimic the audio from them as well.
We don’t have much else at this time, but we have reached out to Super Icon. Hopefully we can get a Q/A up in the coming weeks.