Hands-on With Sound Shapes “Death Mode” | PSNStores

Hands-on With Sound Shapes “Death Mode”

Posted by on August 1st, 2012 | 2 Comments | Tags:

When I was at the Sony Media preview a few weeks back I had the chance to play some Sound Shapes. You may have already saw my impressions, but what you didn’t see was that I got to play “Death Mode”. We had to hold off on telling you about it until today, but it was probably the most addicting part of Sound Shapes.

While tapping around on the Vita version, I noticed a button with the shape of a skull on it. I pressed it and one of the developers of the game uttered, “oh, well you’ve discovered Death Mode. It’s not really fun, but I guess you can try it.” Death Mode is a hell of a lot of fun. It’s basically a challenge mode that takes the coolest moments from a given level pack, gives you a difficult task, and starts a timer. You only live once, and you will die often. Still, if you’re anything like me, you’ll retry the challenges dozens of times. If not for the enjoyment of a good challenge, you’ll probably like the gift for completing each Death Mode level: a sparkly new trophy.

Jonathan Mak explained it to me like this:

“Basically I realized that there are a lot of cool platforming moments that don’t come across in the levels. But you also have to be really good for those moments to happen. Death Mode is my way for forcing you to get good.”

You can check preorder Sound Shapes and its Death Mode right now on the PlayStation Store.