Zombeer, Zombies & Beers Stumbling onto PSN
Posted by Eric G on July 1st, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Moonbite , Zombeer
Spanish development studio Moonbite recently announced that their new game Zombeer, Zombies & Beers will be released on the PSN be the end of the year. It’s being developed in partnership with Padaone Games. Check out some early artwork and screens:
[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/zombeer/” num=”4″]
The game is proclaimed to be a first-person survival-horror comedy shooter, making it the first FPSHCS to grace the PlayStation Network, unless you count Hydrophobia Prophecy as a comedy. You play as “K” who awakens alone in a Mexican bar after a night of hardcore drinking. K soon realizes that he’s been bitten by a zombie and that drinking beer will prevent the virus inside of him from taking over. Drinking too much will cause you to lose control, just like in real life. Check up top for the first trailer and stay tuned for more info on what looks like a Zombie Duke Nukem mash-up.