Papo & Yo Is Coming Out August 14th | PSNStores

Papo & Yo Is Coming Out August 14th

Posted by on July 10th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

Today’s announcement of PSN PLAY had an awesome nugget of information thrown in there. Namely, that Papo & Yo has a release date of August 14th, and that the game will cost $14.99 on release, or a special price of $11.99 for PS+ members. The game will be available for pre-order starting August 7th. In addition to this, we asked Minority, the developer of the game, on twitter if the game would be coming out on the same week in the EU, and got a confirmation that the game will launch in European regions on August 15th. No pricing was mentioned, but i’d expect it to be in line with similarly priced games across the pond. The game’s most recent trailer is embedded above for your viewing pleasure.