Japanese PSN Weekly Rankings (Apr 23rd – Apr 29th 2012)
Posted by Chris K on May 6th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Japanese PSN Rankings
Japanese PSN Weekly Ranking. Data is collected from the Japanese PSN Store.
Reporting Period: 2012.04.23 — 2012.04.29
PS3 Games
01/01 Journey [2012.03.15]
02/02 Castlevania: Harmony of Despair [2012.03.29]
03/— House of the Dead 4 [2012.04.19]
04/03 Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition [2012.03.29]
05/— House of the Dead 3 [2012.04.19]
06/05 Resident Evil 4 [2012.03.13]
07/09 Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- Dreamy Theater 2nd [2011.08.04]
08/— Moe Moe Daisensou Gendaiban++ [2012.04.25]
09/11 DiRT 3 Complete Edition [2012.04.12]
10/06 Bomberman Ultra [2009.06.18]
11/— Rayman Origins [2012.04.25]
12/— Metal Gear Solid HD [2011.12.08]
13/03 MotorStorm RC [2012.03.29]
14/— Shadow of the Colossus / Ico HD Collection [2012.01.31]
15/— Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD [2011.11.10]
16/— Crysis [2011.10.18]
17/15 Spelunker HD [2011.12.21]
18/— Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
19/— Need For Speed Hot Pursuit [2011.07.06]
20/— “So Sexy” Risa Yoshiki: Dream Wedding [2012.04.26]
Vita Games
01/— Ciel No Surge [2012.04.26]
02/01 Lumines Electronic Symphony [2012.04.19]
03/02 The King, the Demon King and the 7 Princesses: New King Story [2012.03.29]
04/03 Ragnarok Odyssey [2012.02.02]
05/04 Gravity Daze [2012.02.09]
06/07 Pro Baseball Spirits 2012 [2012.03.29]
07/— Next Revolution: Nekurebo English Grammar [2012.04.26]
08/09 Unit 13 [2012.03.08]
09/10 Little Busters! Converted Edition [2011.03.22]
10/— Disgaea 3 : Absence of Justice [2011.12.17]
PSP Games
01/— Conception: Please Have My Babies [2012.04.26]
02/— Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo [2012.04.26]
03/02 2nd Super Robot Wars Z: Saisei-hen [2012.04.05]
04/01 Monster Hunter Portable 3rd [2011.07.28]
05/07 2nd Super Robot Wars Z: Hakai-hen [2012.03.08]
06/04 God Eater Burst PSP the Best [2011.09.15]
07/10 Black Panther 2: Yakuza Ashura Chapter [2012.03.22]
08/— Dangan-Ronpa PSP the Best [2011.11.23]
09/08 Final Fantasy Type-0 [2011.10.27]
10/06 Persona 3 Portable PSP the Best [2011.08.25]
11/13 Shining Blade [2012.03.15]
12/— 428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de [2011.03.09]
13/— Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman PSP the Best [2012.04.26]
14/18 Hatsune Miku Project Diva extend [2011.12.15]
15/— World Neverland Qukria Kingdom Stories [2012.02.16]
16/— Taiko Drum Master Portable DX [2011.07.14]
17/05 Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G [2010.03.18]
18/12 Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd Okaidoku Ban [2011.12.15]
19/— Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker PSP the Best [2011.02.24]
20/20 Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection [2011.03.24]
PS1 Games
01/01 Final Fantasy VII International [2009.04.10]
02/03 Final Fantasy IX [2010.05.20]
03/02 Final Fantasy VI [2011.04.20]
04/04 Final Fantasy VIII [2009.09.24]
05/07 Final Fantasy V [2011.04.06]
06/15 Super Robot Wars Alpha [2011.12.21]
07/12 Chrono Trigger [2011.09.28]
08/06 Chrono Cross [2011.07.06]
09/05 Lengend of Mana [2010.07.28]
10/10 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis [2008.12.24]
11/09 Xenogears [2008.06.25]
12/13 Resident Evil 2 [2007.12.26]
13/— Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden[2011.12.21]
14/08 Rival Schools [2012.02.22]
15/— Final Fantasy Tactics [2009.05.13]
16/11 Saga Frontier 2 [2008.12.10]
17/14 Saga Frontier [2008.11.26]
18/17 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [2010.12.16]
19/16 Resident Evil Director’s Cut [2006.11.22]
20/19 Chocobo’s Mysterious Dungeon 2 [2010.10.27]