Halfway Through The Year Journey Is PSN’s Best Seller | PSNStores

Halfway Through The Year Journey Is PSN’s Best Seller

Posted by on May 22nd, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: , , ,

With the month of June fast approaching we are almost halfway done with 2012. In this week’s episode of Pulse Christina Lee shared the Top 10 games thus far on PSN.

It should be no surprise that Journey is topping the list, as it was the fastest selling PSN title ever. The Minis version of Angry Birds is also doing well, maybe this continued success with push Rovio into doing a Vita version or at least a PSN version with trophies. The only Vita game to make the cut was Escape Plan, which has been a top performer for months. Also it is no surprise that Final Fantasy VII is still one of the best selling games on the platform.

Are any of the games listed here surprises to you? Let us know in the comments.

[Source: 5/22 Edition of Pulse]