Rock Band Blitz Announcement Trailer
Posted by Curtis H on April 4th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Rock Band Blitz
Here’s that announcement trailer for Rock Band Blitz that’s been floating around today. A few things to take note of from the trailer of course would be the two button highways and the pinball powerup that activates around mid-way through. Instead of having difficulty levels within the game Rock Band Blitz is instead all about garnering a high score. Rock Band Blitz is confirmed to include “Always” – Blink 182, “Pumped Up Kicks” – Foster the People, “Metal Health (Bang Your Head)” – Quiet Riot and “Jessie’s Girl” – Rick Springfield as part of the game’s 25 song lineup.
It looks like Harmonix will be doing a live stream demo of the game in about 20 minutes. (6PM EST until 8PM EST) If you’re wanting to see more I suggest you check that out.