Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave Takes Top Spot In Famitsu PSN Rankings | PSNStores

Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave Takes Top Spot In Famitsu PSN Rankings

Posted by on March 31st, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Famitsu Presents: PS Store Game Best 10 has been released on PSN. Here are the Top 10 titles from February 23rd 2012 – March 07th 2012

Titles which are in bold have gone up in the ranking. Blue indicates a new title, Red indicates a drop and normal text means the title’s place is unchanged.

01. [PSP] Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave
02. [PSV] Gravity Daze
03. [PSP] Photokano
04. [PSV] Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
05. [PSV] Escape Plan
06. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
07. [PSV] Ragnarok Odyssey
08. [PSP] World Neverland Qukria Kingdom Stories
09. [PSP] Final Fantasy Type-0
10. [PSP] Great Battle Fullblast

[PSP] = 6
[PSV] = 4
[PS3] = 0

Notable Games released during this period that did not make the cut:

[PSV] Sumioni