Closure Chosen As 2012 Indie Game Challenge Finalist
Posted by Ben on January 19th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: closure
The Indie Game Challenge is an award set up by Gamestop to, in their words, “give aspiring game developers the chance to showcase their skills, pitch their games to top publishers and win some serious cash”. It’s a competition which has done well in my opinion with their finalist selection in the past, so I’m happy to support the larger corporations putting their weight behind selected independent games. While the main competition is voted on by what I can only assume is an expert panel of judges, there is a user voted portion of the awards.
With Closure, a PSN exclusive, up for a nomination, it would be silly not to link to said page where you can vote on the game you think most deserves the prize money and recognition. Of course, I’m not going to actually ask you to vote straight for Closure and ignore all the other games, but take a look at all the nominees and decide who most deserves your click. There’s a sweepstake to be entered in to too, so you don’t feel you’re wasting your time, you busy person you.
Forgotten what Closure looks like? Here’s a video of it to stare at.