New Info About PSN Account Deactivations
Posted by Chris K on November 17th, 2011 | 12 Comments | Tags: PSN
The maintenance that was performed today is over and users now have access to the account management system on PSN once again. With this maintenance it was assumed that the new user activation restrictions are in place, taking the number of PS3 systems an account can have from 5 to 2. Users who are at this limit now have an option to deactivate all of the systems on their accounts from the Qriocity website.
However there are some details that have just come to light. There is now an option to deactivate all your PlayStation systems. You will only have the option to do this clean slate wipe once every 6 months. Also if you want to play previously downloaded games, you will need to activate the system again through the xmb. Here is a screen capture from the Qriocity site.
Hopefully there will be a way to wipe single accounts. Also it should be mentioned that there is no way to just deactivate PSP systems, you will have to do everything in one go. Sony should probably have more info about this in the morning.