PixelJunk Shooter 2 Gets Patched
Posted by Chris K on July 5th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: PixelJunk Shooter 2 , Q-Games
Q-Games must have gotten the memo that PixelJunk Shooter 2 is the game to own on the PlayStation Network, as they have patched in a few fixes and made some additions to make the game even better. Here is a quick run-down of those fixes and additions. I am going to list them in importance to me
- If a player of lesser rank wins against one of higher rank, the lesser ranked player gets some extra Q-bucks. This is a good incentive for players not to quit against me, I don’t bite and I play fair. Pro-tip: You can beat even the best players with just a timely spin and the default gun.
- Matchmaking has been tweaked a bit, to make it easier to find players… this is a plus!
- There is now a “save” that can be used mid-level. Once it is loaded, it is deleted so think of it as sleep mode. Great to use on the lengthy levels towards the end.
- There is now a gem indicator on the pause screen. Really helpful if you are missing just 1 or 2 gems. Go for the Road to Dawn!
- You can continue from your current progress on game over. Your score will get reset, but that won’t stop you from finishing the level.
- The acid walls aren’t as sticky so don’t be afraid to bump into them. Unsure if this is in Multiplayer as well, but I will ask the Q-Gamers.
- They fixed a small bug with enemy spawning, so now they won’t spawn on top of you.
So there you have it, finish up PixelJunk Shooter 2 and check out the Road to Dawn. It might just remind you of an upcoming PixelJunk game.
[Source: US PlayStation Blog]