PSNStores Top 25 PSN Exclusives
Posted by nikkiwms161983 on June 21st, 2011 | 23 Comments | Tags: PSN Games , Top 25
20. Fat Princess
Big Girls really are more fun! Fat Princess is an adorably violent slice of team based multiplayer, with a variety of classes ensuring that no matter what your play style, there’s always room on the team for somebody looking to fulfill their inner lumberjack. Fat Princess’ expansions are also nothing to turn your nose up at, as they add some great mechanics on top of an already solid game. Transforming into a giant and flattening opponents with all the flair of an especially violent Saturday morning cartoon never gets old.
19. Beat Sketcher
Brought home my shiny new PS Move controller and this was the first title I tried out… and the one that got the most playtime of any of my Move games. Who would have thought drawing on a TV screen was so much fun? It has incredibly sharp controls and a soundtrack that demands at least a tap of the foot. Beware the firetruck level though…
18. Mushroom Wars
Real Time Strategy is a genre that most think has no place on a console. Well I give you Mushroom Wars, a game all about owning territories. You don’t need huge APMs to be a master at this, which makes it suitable for a console experience. Send your cute little warriors across the map in wave after wave to overwhelm your opponent. With the addition of an online mode and the always present YouTube replays (watch these to get the good strats)… Mushroom Wars will have you laying the smack down on your friends wherever they are located.
17. PixelJunk Shooter
Fluids, fluids everywhere. That is one way to describe Q-Games PixelJunk Shooter. You are a craft sent to a mining colony where it is your task to rescue survivors, while making your way through all sorts of environments. Be it ice caverns, lava pits, or even industrial sites, Shooter’s ingenious fluid play is what makes it have a spot on this list. Pro-tip for using the lava suit, make sure to hit your friends with it as much as possible in co-op mode.
16. PixelJunk Eden
An eye-candy filled adventure as the player tends to their garden. This is a must play as a coop title, and hopefully with a surround sound system on a giant TV. The chill atmosphere and simple mechanics make this an enjoyable trip for all.