Sony Japan’s ISP Hacked
Posted by Vivas on May 20th, 2011 | 4 Comments | Tags:
As I let out a sigh of exasperation I can’t help but wonder if more media attention maybe the ultimate reason why these attacks are continuing. Then again its our job to report the news and so here’s yet another story about Sony getting hacked. In fact the story from Reuters, almost shows how tired they are of reporting this sort of stuff as the article is simply entitled “Sony Hacked Again“.
Reuter’s is reporting that Sony’s ISP provider in Japan, So-Net, was recently breached and approximately $1225 (100,000 yen) worth of virtual store credits were stolen in a breach of the ISPs servers. So-Net later issued a statement saying that they do not believe that private information was stolen, but they cannot confirm that at this time. Tell me if you think this sounds familiar.
“At this point in our investigations, we have not confirmed any data leakage. We have not found any sign of a possibility that a third party has obtained members’ names, address, birth dates and phone numbers.” said a So-Net representative on their website. Sony of America, as of Friday, has not issued any comment.
You know the more I hear about this sort of thing the more numb I’m becoming with regards to it. Perhaps the Japanese and Australian regulators were right to keep the juice off for PSN in their countries until it can be proven that the network is safe and secure. The Reuter’s story also goes on to state that security experts worldwide still believe that PSN is open and vulnerable to attack.
Source: Reuters