Red Johnson’s Chronicles investigating PSN
Posted by Ben on February 28th, 2011 | 1 Comment | Tags: Red Johnson's Chronicles
I’ll be the first person to admit that I’m a fan of the Adventure genre. I love solving puzzles, and generally enjoying the smart writing that comes part and parcel with a well crafted adventure game. That’s why I’m extremely interested in Red Johnson’s Chronicles, a new PSN Adventure game. Coming from Lexis Numérique, creators of the WiiWare game Learning with the PooYoos, Red Johnson’s Chronicles sets you as a the titular private investigator, in a dark world filled with murder and intrigue.
In this ‘8 to 10 hours long investigation’, you’ll solve puzzles, find clues, interview witnesses and suspects, pushing them further and further towards breaking point. The fact sheet took great pains to mention the fact that the game has a scalable help system, so that beginners and fans of adventure games alike can both have a good crack at it, and come away with similar levels of satisfaction.
Red Johnson’s Chronicles is coming out Q2 2011, we’ll hopefully have some screenshots for you in the coming days.