Fortix 2 To IGC Finals; Coming Soon to PSN | PSNStores

Fortix 2 To IGC Finals; Coming Soon to PSN

Posted by on February 8th, 2011 | 2 Comments | Tags: ,

Remember Fortix, the PSN minis title that was a medieval twist on Qix? It’s got a sequel, and said sequel made it to the Indie Game Challenge finals. The IGC final will take place on February 11th. The competition is between 12 indie developers: 6 professional, 6 non-professional. Fortix 2 falls into the professional category.

Throughout the PR, Fortix 2 is repeatedly referred to as a ‘reverse turret defense game.’ I’m not really sure that’s an accurate description of the gameplay. Check out the games… uh… weird teaser trailer and make of it what you will:

I’ve beaten the original Fortix and am honestly excited about this game. It looks like they’re making some strides towards a more complex and fun experience. The game features “a full achievement list and online leaderboards”, so we could be looking at a full-on PS3 title here. I really hope this is the case so that I can rock your face off in the land of Artalom.

Click here to vote for Fortix 2 in the IGC competition.