Facebook $20 PSN Card Giveaway | PSNStores

Facebook $20 PSN Card Giveaway

Posted by on February 5th, 2011 | 3 Comments | Tags: ,

Ladies and gentlemen, I have recently become aware of our Facebook page’s existence. Yes, we have a Facebook page. It is here: Like Me. Our editors have pledged an oath to more actively update the PSNStores Facebook page. It was a blood oath, and it was bloody.

Oaths aside, I want YOU to visit the Facebook page on a more regular basis. To do this, I’m aware that I must tempt you with carrots and sticks, and even carrots on sticks. Why should you visit our Facebook page? Well, if you use Facebook often and you ‘like’ our page, you’ll get information right on your news feed. That’s right, you may never have to visit the site again (wait a second…). All right, so here’s the deal.

1) Visit our Facebook page: PSNStores on Facebook.
2) ‘Like’ our Facebook page. You may also ‘lick’ it, but don’t blame us if your tongue gets shocked.
3) Post on the wall your favorite PSN game, why it’s your favorite game, and what you would use the $20 card to purchase. Dynamic themes? Rival School Avatars? Spelunker HD?

Now, I don’t want to see sparse posts. If you only write, “PACMAN IS BEST, YOU EAT GHOSTS FAST”, you won’t be entered. The winner will be chosen on our podcast’s season finale, episode 23, to be recorded next week. You’ll want to listen in to see if you’ve won. You’ll also want to listen in because we have a special guest scheduled to join us. Eitan from Firehose Games, the makers of Slam Bolt Scrappers, will be talking with us about SBS and other PSN matters. He’s written a thesis, so you know he’s smart.

Unfortunately, since I’m a resident of the United States, the PSN card is for the North American store. However, if you’ve ever used a PS3, you should probably know that you can easily create an account for a region outside of your own. So you really have no reason not to join this contest. It’s easy. It’s math.