Explodemon! lengthens fuse to January 2011
Posted by David S. Gallant on December 1st, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Curve Studios , explodemon
Curve Studios issued a press release to inform us of the unfortunate delay of their upcoming platformer Explodemon:
Explodemon! skids into January 2011
Detonation (momentarily) delayed for forthcoming PSN action platformerCurve Studios today announced that Explodemon!, its self-published action platformer for PlayStation 3, will see the slightest of slight delays, and will now launch on the PlayStation Network in January 2011.
Approaching a senior member of the company for an explanation behind the delay, a slightly panicked man – who asked to not be named – spluttered “It was like that when I found it!” before running away, arms windmilling.
Attempts to retroactively correct this outburst to something more professional proved futile, but we understand it had something to do with ‘last-minute fixes’ and ‘remaining unflinchingly resolute in our desire to only release the most awesome game possible.’
In short: we’re sorry! But it’ll really be worth it. Promise.
We did a little preview of Explodemon back in July. With any luck, a more concrete release date should be announced in the coming weeks.