“Namco Generations” series announced
Posted by Ben on November 16th, 2010 | 2 Comments | Tags:
With this week’s release of Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, Namco Bandai has seen fit to enlighten us as to the nature of it’s future downloadable plans. That enlightenment has come in the form of “Namco Generations”, a new series of retro remakes for PSN.
The first games announced for the series (apart from the already existing Pac-Man CE DX) are Galaga Legions DX, the follow up to the sublime Galaga Legions (an XBLA exclusive), and a game called Aero Cross, which I can only assume is an update of the classic arcade game Metro-Cross, but with the coat of paint and madness that the Namco retro revivals have become known for.
I’m afraid that that’s all we know about these titles at the moment, but I’m sure we’ll be getting some screenshots and maybe even a video or two in the near future. In the mean time, keep watching the skies. Just remember, shoot the bugs for points.
(Thanks, Joystiq)