HOARD Gets Friendlier, More Legible | PSNStores

HOARD Gets Friendlier, More Legible

Posted by on November 15th, 2010 | 2 Comments | Tags:

Big Sandwich Games has announced a patch for Hoard, the Playstation 3 action-strategy dragon game. Though critical reception for the game has been mostly positive, the developers have recognized a few key areas of improvement. The patch should address the following:

  • Text Size. Dialogue boxes in 720p and 1080p will become readable.
  • Restart Option. Available on the Pause and Game Over screens to allow faster do-overs.
  • Persistent Multiplayer Lobby. So that Friends don’t have to find each other again after every online match.

The patch should also include a new map, “and more,” according to the game’s website.

The existence of DLC for Hoard was announced as “in the works,” though no further details were provided.

[Source: Official Site]