Dungeon Defenders Delayed
Posted by Eric G on November 8th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Delay , Dungeon Defenders , Trendy Entertainment
Dungeon Defenders, a game we here at PSNStores are rather looking forward to, has been officially delayed on PC and consoles until January. Trendy Entertainment went on record saying that though the game is essentially completed, “certain parties” are requiring that it be released simultaneously on all platforms. That is except for the mobile version of the game, which will still be releasing mid-December.
The good news here is that Trendy is going to be making the wait worth while. Since they already have two maps, item packs, and new enemies completed and planned for DLC release, Trendy’s going to add them to the initial version of the game. Therefore, the $9.99 title will include a bunch of bonus content. To boot, the first month’s worth of post-release DLC packs will be free for all platforms that permit it.
For more information, check out their “Official ‘Game is Delayed’ Thread!”
I guess that just adds Dungeon Defenders to the already stellar Q1 PSN lineup. Hopefully it doesn’t drown in the flood.