Best Game With No Western Release Gets New Trailer
Posted by Chris K on October 12th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Alvion , Malicious
Get your Japanese PSN tickets ready… it is time to watch another awesome trailer for Malicious!
I did a little emailing back a forth a few months ago with one of the great people over at Alvion to get some details about the game.
The first thing I asked was about a Western release, and there was not much that could be said about it.
平岡さん: 海外向けを考えていますが、PS3版はダウンロード配信となりますので、ソニーさんを通してとなるかと思われます。
Since the game was a digital title it would be up to Sony if they want it on the platform (See Dark Mist as example of a Eastern game with no North American PSN release). I don’t think they have a publisher lined up yet either based on this tweet.
I also asked if there would be a demo on the Japanese store at launch.
平岡さん: 申し訳ありませんが体験版は出ない予定です。
Hiraoka-san said “at this time no demo is planned.”
So yes, if it comes down to it I will be buying a Japanese points card and getting this game. It looks too good to wait for a US release. We should be seeing some new info this week, as according to the Alvion blog… Malicious will have some information in Dengeki PlayStation this week!