Flight Control HD gets a nice price, and a gameplay trailer | PSNStores

Flight Control HD gets a nice price, and a gameplay trailer

Posted by on September 10th, 2010 | 5 Comments | Tags: , ,

Firemint has just announced the prices for Flight Control HD, and they seem very nice indeed. Its great to see developers pricing games lower than you’d expect, and I hope that more developers follow suit. The prices are as follows;

  • Europe: EUR 4.99
  • UK: GBP 3.99
  • Australia: AUD 8.45

They’ve also been so kind as to bestow a gameplay trailer upon us, so feel free to check that out. The art looks really great in high resolutions, so I can’t wait to give this one a try when it releases next week, the same time as PlayStation Move hits store shelves everywhere.