Out This Week: Alien Zombie Death | PSNStores

Out This Week: Alien Zombie Death

Posted by on February 17th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

For those moments when you have a spare 10 minutes and are overcome with the urge to be overwhelmed by nasty Alien Zombies, this is the game for you. It’s simple. The theatre unfolds on a random lump of space scaffolding eg. A bunch of platforms. The Alien Zombies come in from everywhere thick and fast. Retro platform shoot-em-up madness ensues.

This minis title will be hitting the EU store this week for £2.50. The game features a bunch of levels, 14 to be exact. There are also weapon power-ups and bonus coins. This minis also features in-game trophies like Halfbrick Echoes.

No date is set for the US at this time, but it is expected to be coming some time in Q2.