Review: Pinball Heroes Uncharted | PSNStores

Review: Pinball Heroes Uncharted

Posted by on November 16th, 2009 | 0 Comments | Tags: , ,

This is an add-on for the game Pinball Heroes. Check out our Pinball Heroes review.

Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 12, 2009

What it adds:

  • The Uncharted table
  • 27 in-game trophies to earn

It is Uncharted, in pinball form. If you haven’t played the original Uncharted though, beware there are spoilers. I found it really amusing that when you lose your ball it plays the death sound from Uncharted. Little things like that make the Pinball Heroes series something special. For the gameplay, it is traditional. No crazy bowling games or “wind” effects. You are just on a mission to find El Dorado. I recommend playing this table in Tall Mode because if you get a multi-ball it is much easier to see what is going on. I wish they had some voice samples from the game to go with all the other Uncharted sound effects. But even without that, it is still a solid pinball experience.

Click Here to purchase Pinball Heroes: Uncharted from Amazon.com

This game was purchased for review purposes.